Friday 14 June 2024

Blue Spotlight for JAI #706


Welcome everyone to the middle Friday in June. The days are getting darker and colder and Winter is definitely here with a chilly and damp week had by most in Australia. But what better excuse to spend time crafting than to say warm and dry? 😀

We have a new challenge week at Just Add Ink and that is this Photo Inspiration Challenge from Kerry.
Inspiration Challenges give you the opportunity to take what appeals to you from the images. The design team have given you a pretty and varied display of cards to help you find your way. I hope you can pop on over and join us!

In my card I was inspired to layer the blue and white parts from the Photo Challenge. 
This is my first play with beautiful Spotlight On Nature bundle from the new Stampin Up Catalogue. And I found it so pretty to colour and the photo doesn't quite do it justice on a cold and wet Melbourne day. 

The Z Fold seemed a good way to allow these images to shine in a way that fulfilled the blue and white challenge details. 
As this set doesn't come with DSP, the leaf stamp was used to provide the blue and background stamping.
And aren't these circle die edges so pretty!! 
I am not usually a shabby chic girl....but I could be tempted to have a dabble with such pretty details.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope that you can take a moment to pop on over to Just Add Ink and I look forward to seeing what you create for this challenge. 

'Til next time,

1 comment:

  1. What a fab card, love the layers of blue especially in the butterfly. Fab idea to make your own "DSP" on the under layer. Love it.
